Hello to all of you!
It has been such a long time since my last post back at the beginning of the pandemic. I haven't been idle since I last communicated with you. In fact, I've been working hard and I want to put you in the loop.
First, I want to make you aware of some changes to my website. In addition to the Inner Pilgrim and Healer Blog, to which you are subscribed, I have added two other open-access offerings:
"When Energy Healing Meets Meditation": an 8-lesson course in energy-active meditation. This is a practical introduction to applying energy principles to your inner work of healing and development.
"Morning Meditations": I lead online energy exercises, followed by a meditation and discussion. These daily meditations are in real time with a group.
Each day, we meet from 10:00 to ±10:45 am PST for guided energy exercise, meditation and, for those who wish it, breakout rooms with other participants for sharing about your experience.
These resources are all open-access and available to you.
Secondly, I want to encourage you to make use of the resources on this site. I work in fits and starts and often in response to your input, questions and comments. I would love to hear from you about your journey with energy healing.
I hope all of you are staying safe, connected and creative.