Dear Friends,
As you may have noticed, there’s been a gap in my blogging. The themes and issues of energy healing are still close to my heart, but writing about them comes in its own schedule, its own times and seasons.

In late June, I had surgery on my cervical spine, a fairly common procedure as these things go, but a big deal for me. My recovery is set to go on another four to eight weeks. With my neck locked in a good-looking brace and being restricted to no more than ten pounds of lifting, this interlude has been a strange blessing. When the Indian seer Sri Aurobindo was thrown in jail for his political activities, he said, “"Good! Now I have time to write!” I can relate. Rarely in my life have I had a time so un-circumscribed by stuff I have to do. Time for meditation, reflection and re-evaluation of my life and path, and, yes, for writing.
As I approach my seventieth birthday, I am many persons rolled into one: my life has become, in the words of Tolkien, a “place where many paths and errands meet.” I live in a place of great natural beauty with a smart, sensitive woman; I associate, in person and otherwise, with persons in many parts of the world, many of whom are dear friends and family. Who knew?
New Project
My creative life has me working, in fits and starts, on a musical project and on writing which includes a memoir and—of interest to you in the field of energy healing—a series of monographs—-tiny books or downloadable e-books that take about an hour to read—on various topics under the heading of “"Making the Transition from Bodyworker to Energy Healer.” This will be aimed at that intrepid army of hard-working therapists and bodyworkers who have had an opening to the world of energy and consciousness in their lives and want to integrate that opening into their healing practice. This has been the thrust of my teaching for years, a common denominator of my classes and mentorships. This will be my attempt to crystallize these ides in a bite-size—not dumbed-down, but rather concise—way.
I am particularly indebted to my mentorship students for whom the question of how to integrate the energetic dimension into their hands-on practices is a matter of some urgency. Their questions and, above all, their love of their calling as healers, have been an inspiration for me. This writing will be based on my time with these talented, dedicated, honest and inquisitive friends.
In conclusion, I wanted to let you know that I'm still alive and that there will be more coming your way in this blog. Meanwhile, feel free to comment on these postings. I hope they are useful in your exploration of energy healing.