RESOURCES From the Inner Pilgrim and Healer Blog:
8/3/2017 - Unwanted Energy Transfer and the Myth of “Negative Energy” (PI-1) - The one question guaranteed to come up in classes on hands-on healing work is the one about how to not be adversely affected by the energy of the person you are working on. Here are some thought on the subject and tips for working with this issue: READ MORE
10/23/2017 - Conversion of Sensitivity [the fear factor] (PI-2) - In this post, I share an observation about the level of anxiety that exists among many practitioners when it comes to other people's energy. READ MORE
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Series: THE COMMUNICATION TASK - The question often comes up in thoughtful energy healing practitioners who are launching a public practice: "How do I talk about what I do?" Let’s face it, there is quite a communication task when it comes to talking or writing about subtle energywork. This series is dedicated to that task.
6/8/2017 - Talking about Esoteric Stuff (CT-1) - Explaining anything “alternative” to a person for whom it is new can be like trying to explain shoes to a snake, or the expression “clothing optional” to your great-aunt. It’s hard to know where (or if) you should even start. You always run into READ MORE
6/30/2017 - Why I Switched to Generic Language for Energy Work (CT-2) - I use rather generic language to refer to things like chakras, energy points, and energy streams. Here's why: READ MORE
6/30/2017 - A Trap to Avoid (CT-3) - The impulse to covert other people causes more problems than it's worth. If you care at all about the communication task involved with energy healing, this is a trap to watch out for. Here's why I say this: READ MORE
6/21/2017 - Work on Your “Mental Muscles” before Talking About Energy Healing (CT-4) - There will be moments when you just have to talk about what you do. and you don't want to stand there feeling tongue-tied because you're still working on a language that allows you to communicate effectively. Then it's time to READ MORE
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9/5/2017 - Callings, Tradition and Non-Tradition, Apprenticeship and Mastery - Here, we look at the path that leads from an initial interest or attraction to energywork to a mastery of the skills of an energy healer, READ MORE
11/24/2017 - Tooling Up - We pass many times through phases of learning as we master any skill or the expression of a spiritual quality. Here, we look at the READ MORE
11/24/2017 - Callings, Tradition and Non-Tradition, Apprenticeship and Mastery - Here, we look at the path that leads from an initial interest or attraction to energywork to a mastery of the skills of an energy healer, READ MORE
11/24/2017 - Healing Relationship (part 4 of "phases in learning energy healing")-. . . as you evolve something of a personal approach to your work, there comes a point when the healing relationship you have with your partner comes into the foreground. READ MORE
11/24/2017 - "Dancing with God" (part 5 of Phases in Learning Energy Healing)- Here, we techniques and approaches by themselves can get pretty boring if they are not in the service of the fundamental healing relationship between you and your partner. And yet, even the healing relationship will ask for something more, something beyond itself. READ MORE
2/5/2018 - "A New Look at Grounding" - part 1- In classes, I sometimes hear beginning students say things like, “I felt strange while I was giving that treatment. I guess I forgot to ground myself.” This gives the impression that grounding is something you do once in a while, just before you give someone a healing treatment, and the rest of the time it’s kind of optional. It's not. READ MORE
2/14/2018 - "Getting the Most Out of an Energy Healing Session" - Energy healing sessions can stir things up, physically, emotionally and psycho-spiritually . . . There is a subtle or not-so-subtle "trajectory of effects" in the aftermath of any treatment and it pays to learn how to track them and become conversant with the kinds of things that can come up. READ MORE