Details and Logistics
Thank you for your interest in the 2024 Energy Healing Mentorship! If you haven't already done so, please read the other items about the mentorship (see the links to the right).
This will be the ninth mentorship of this kind that I have taught since 2011. Since each one has been unique, the main thing I can give you here is a skeleton description:
Who is this for?
Bodyworkers, craniosaral and subtle energy therapists, body-centered psychotherapists, meditators, and artists with an interest in energy healing. Ideally, if you are a practitioner, you are already certified and work with other people. But even if you're not, if this mentorship attracts you, let's talk!
A mentorship differs from a class of instruction with a set curriculum. I will provide a framework, projects, and exercises, but the unique content of any mentorship emerges in large part out of:
Your personal developmental process;

Your professional practice;

Your inquiry and interests;

Your needs as a developing healer.

These are the elements that make a mentorship go. I am there as a resource, but the shape of the mentorship depends on where your burning questions take us.
Duration & Schedule: 4 Months, starting in March, 2024
Exact Meeting Dates TBD: Once the group forms, we will have a video-conference calendar session to plan four months of 1-day workshops and teleconferences.
I ask for a commitment to the entire 4-month period.
Each month:
One day workshop

One personal session

(At least) one group videoconference

Telephone and email support between meetings

Location for In-Person Group Meetings:
Davis, CA, in the "Sunroom" at the (former) Davis Holistic Center
Personal Sessions:
We will arrange these individually. I live in Ashland, OR, but I come to Davis semi-regularly.
To Apply:
To start the ball rolling, send me about 1000 well-chosen words about yourself, your healing work, and why you would like to be in a mentorship like this.
Application Deadline: January 20, 2024
I like to do this on a sliding scale. You are the one who best knows your budget, so I ask you to choose between:
$333 - $555 per month
with a 4-month commitment
Have you read the other items (above to the right)?
Still interested?
Let's talk.